IAIA25 Sessions
Session Formats Explained
A rights-based approach to IA: Indigenous resilience and resurgence through engaging in IA
Session Proposal ID 428
Lead Chair: Callie Davies-Flett | CoChair: Mandy Olsgard
Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G11. Indigenous Peoples
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, an Indigenous community living downstream from the largest open pit mines in the world, will discuss their engagement within colonial IA processes, highlighting struggles and successes using Indigenous Knowledge as a grounding force for community-led impact assessments, development of environmental policies, and data analytics tools.
Acceptance Status: approve
Academia Research and Teaching
Session Proposal ID 329
Lead Chair: Reece Alberts
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G1. Academia
For this session of the academia section of IAIA we invite contributions on impact assessment (IA) research and teaching activities at higher education institutions throughout the world
Acceptance Status: approve
Advancements in Environmental Impact Assessment Through Digital Innovations
Session Proposal ID 396
Lead Chair: Raymond WONG | CoChair: Clara U
Session Format: Theme forum – Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
This session explores how the integration of digital AI tools and methodologies has revolutionized the practice of EIA to enhance efficiency and facilitate informed decision-making, aiming to provide a platform for EIA practitioners, researchers and policymakers to engage in a dynamic exchange of ideas and innovative solutions.
Acceptance Status: approve
AI & Digital Innovation in Project, Product, and Business Impact Assessment
Session Proposal ID 413
Lead Chair: Andy Chung | CoChair: Ana Maria Quintero
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
This session explores AI's role in impact assessments, addressing data quality, ethical governance, & regulatory compliance. It showcases cutting-edge tools & best practices, fostering collaboration among sustainability leaders. Topics include AI applications at project, product, & business levels, with a focus on future trends & life cycle analysis.
Acceptance Status: approve
AI and Remote Sensing for Sustainability and Environmental and Social Risk Management
Session Proposal ID 478
Lead Chair: Gregory Maggio | CoChair: Megan Yellin
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
o You can’t be everywhere at once – but emerging technologies are being used at the World Bank and other organizations to enable more targeted monitoring and supervision, to better manage risks through ensuring application of environmental and social safeguards and more readily ascertain needs and opportunities for meeting development objectives.
Acceptance Status: approve
AI and Sustainability: The New Era of Environmental Assessment
Session Proposal ID 470
Lead Chair: Cesar Ramos
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
This session will explore how AI can optimize Environmental Assessment through data analysis, predictive modeling, delineation of areas of influence, and public participation. Examples include version control systems for documents and algorithms that simulate environmental impact scenarios and analyze comments and opinions.
Acceptance Status: approve
AI for Social Risk Management: Insights from World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Session Proposal ID 377
Lead Chair: Asli Gurkan
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
Discover how AI tools can improve social risk management in MDBs at our joint WB and ADB panel session! Learn about predictive modeling, rapid georeferenced information, involuntary resettlement/livelihood restoration tools, and social media monitoring. These tools enhance our support to clients in applying Social and Environmental Policies.
Acceptance Status: approve
AI in IA: Enhancing cumulative effects assessment in the era of decarbonization and self-determination
Session Proposal ID 473
Lead Chair: David Wright
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T3. Evidence-based policymaking
AI capabilities are set to reshape impact assessment, particularly cumulative effects analysis at the intersection of decarbonization and Indigenous self-determination. Experts from academia, industry, and Indigenous communities will discuss AI's roles and risks in balancing sustainability, community well-being, and Indigenous rights through IA.
Acceptance Status: approve
AI in the USA: Technology’s potential to improve the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) IA Process
Session Proposal ID 484
Lead Chair: Michael Smith
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
This Session examines current progress and the future potential for technology application (including AI) to improve the U.S. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) impact assessment process.
Acceptance Status: approve
AI pros & cons: A collective perspective on a modern tool to support more meaningful assessments
Session Proposal ID 384
Lead Chair: Jonathan Ward | CoChair: Lorenzo Danzi
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic:
Explore diverse perspectives on AI in Impact Assessment with a panel of industry, government, Indigenous community, and consultant representatives. Hear about the benefits and challenges of AI adoption, offering insights into AIs future role in Impact Assessment.
Acceptance Status: approve
Applying and strengthening qualitative methods for effective IA
Session Proposal ID 355
Lead Chair: John Sinclair
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
IA professionals are testing, and looking for, innovative ways to apply qualitative methods to meet the demands of evolving IA frameworks, including with the use of AI. This IAIA session brings together global IA leaders to share and discuss approaches for effectively integrating qualitative methods into IA.
Acceptance Status: approve
Are Competent Experts & Capacity Building still core to IA in spite of AI?
Session Proposal ID 466
Lead Chair: Josh Fothergill
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G9. Governance and implementation systems
Exploring where we stand in 2025 on IA professional capabilities, expertise expectations and capacity building across nations, regions and FI. Papers will provide different takes, perhaps considering the EU’s requirement for EIA Competent Experts after 10years, FI capacity building initiatives, or whether IA skills are needed in the AI age...
Acceptance Status: approve
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Capacity Building for Impact Assessment (IA)
Session Proposal ID 463
Lead Chair: Bryan Alamani
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Building Capacity for Impact Assessment (IA) Practitioners. What are the pros and cons? Who or What ensures quality and accountability?
Acceptance Status: approve
Artificial Intelligence and Indigenous Data in Impact Assessments
Session Proposal ID 456
Lead Chair: Jennifer Campbell | CoChair: Melanie Demers
Session Format: World Café | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G11. Indigenous Peoples
An evolving digital landscape provides opportunities for new approaches for the ethical use of AI when applied to Indigenous data. In this session, participants will discuss possible applications of AI and interactions with global principles of Indigenous data sovereignty when working with Indigenous Knowledge and data in impact assessment.
Acceptance Status: approve
Asian S3EA: Strategic, Spatial and Sustainable EA in AI era
Session Proposal ID 318
Lead Chair: Kii Hayashi
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G8. Emerging technologies
The advancement of remote sensing technology and information technology, spatial analysis with a variety of environmental, social and economic items received a big attention in AI era. This session will focus on IA examples which support the strategic decision including SEA and utilized the well-organized spatial scale analysis for achieving.
Acceptance Status: approve
Assessing the Impact of Emergent Technologies in Monitoring and Measuring Biodiversity at Mine Sites
Session Proposal ID 482
Lead Chair: Robert Montgomery | CoChair: Andy Coates
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology
The pursuit of natural resources, rare earth metals, and critical minerals has expanded the mining footprint globally. Coupled with that growth has been the development of techniques to quantify and restore biodiversity. This session highlights those advancements and details the ways in which the mining sector can drive biodiversity conservation.
Acceptance Status: approve
Assessing the impacts of food systems: experiences from the UN RBAs
Session Proposal ID 426
Lead Chair: Arundhati Willetts | CoChair: Maria Rita Borba
Session Format: World Café | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: G2. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
The world’s food systems need to deliver adequate, nutritious diets for all, while ensuring decent livelihoods for all involved in the food system chain. This session explores lessons learned from past experiences of the UN RBAs to ensure more sustainable implementation of food production interventions in fragile contexts.
Acceptance Status: approve
Assessment of climate-related disasters and adaptation actions
Session Proposal ID 366
Lead Chair: Emdad Haque
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G4. Climate change
The proposed session will engage in a discussion on how the assessment methods on climate change-related disasters can be improved by accounting for both economic and non-economic losses and damages. You will also learn about assessment methods of positive and negative impacts of adaptation action programs.
Acceptance Status: approve
Bioregional Impact Assessment
Session Proposal ID 442
Lead Chair: Rufus Howard
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology
Bioregional Impact Assessment is an innovative approach to the evolution of EIA and SEA by blending the concepts and philosophy of Bioregionalism with the practice of Impact Assessment. This workshop explores the concept and tenets of Bioregional thinking and how this could be applied to IA to improve outcomes.
Acceptance Status: approve
Blue economy, SEA and Marine Spatial Planning
Session Proposal ID 373
Lead Chair: Arthur Neher | CoChair: Alexandre Puisais
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology
We invite people and organization’s to share their experiences with SEA and Marine and Coastal Spatial Planning aiming to share lessons learned that can be used in the development of SEA guidance for Marine Spatial Planning asked for by the United Nations Treaty of the High Seas.
Acceptance Status: approve
Bridging the Digital Divide: Enhancing EIA in Low and Middle-Income Countries
Session Proposal ID 392
Lead Chair: Landry Fanou
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G9. Governance and implementation systems
The Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) leverages its deep expertise to enhance the quality of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) in low and middle-income countries. The session will explore current challenges, solutions and best practices to promote digital inclusion in the IA arena, advancing global sustainable develop
Acceptance Status: approve
Can AI be an Effective Tool for Supporting Country Biodiversity and Forestry Assessments?
Session Proposal ID 412
Lead Chair: Josh Habib | CoChair: Carol Zurawski
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology
Can AI be an effective tool for supporting Biodiversity and Forestry Assessments in a particular country or region? A panel of governmental and non-governmental representatives would offer diverse perspectives on uses of AI to examine baseline situations, develop mapping/remote sensing, and strategy planning in biodiversity protection.
Acceptance Status: approve
Can AI support long-term monitoring and adaptive management?
Session Proposal ID 342
Lead Chair: Janet Blackadar
Session Format: Theme forum – Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
With the marked increase in the number of large projects proposed for offshore and other more remote areas, does AI give us the opportunity to more effectively and efficiently manage large data sets generated to better inform mitigation monitoring and adaptive management approaches?
Acceptance Status: approve
Can green investments be socially sustainable?
Session Proposal ID 455
Lead Chair: Ana Maria Esteves | CoChair: Tatjana Gerling
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T4. Environmental, social, and governance reporting and disclosure ESG
This panel will critically examine ‘green investing’ through a social sustainability lens. Panelists representing development banks and stock exchanges will analyse financing for projects that meet climate AND gender objectives: Are these socially sustainable? Can IA contribute to ensuring socially sustainable investing? Can AI in IA support?
Acceptance Status: approve
Can IA be more ‘future-smart’ - incorporating Futures Thinking in IA
Session Proposal ID 375
Lead Chair: Nicholas King | CoChair: Francini Van Staden
Session Format: Theme forum – Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
Futures thinking incorporates a diversity of approaches beyond linear projections of present contexts to assist improved understanding of future contexts, new trends, and their interactions and compounding effects with existing trends and each other. Incorporating futures thinking in IA will assist in ensuring IA-enabled decision-making is ‘future-smart’.
Acceptance Status: approve
Challenges Facing the IA Process in Developmental Projects: An African Perspective
Session Proposal ID 477
Lead Chair: Kojo Amoyaw-Osei | CoChair: Nana Akesseh
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G9. Governance and implementation systems
Explores the challenges of IA in Africa’s developmental projects, focusing on regulatory deficiencies, corruption, political interference, conflicting interests, and stakeholder engagement hurdles. It features expert insights, case studies, and interactive discussions to identify solutions and best practices for improving IA effectiveness.
Acceptance Status: approve
Challenges of AI for accountability and ethical practice
Session Proposal ID 389
Lead Chair: Alan Chenoweth
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G8. Emerging technologies
AI has the potential to dilute our personal professional accountability, as data will increasingly be collected and analysed by algorithms - is this an ethical challenge to our profession? Or can AI itself present solutions to the problem it's creating ?
Acceptance Status: approve
Challenging Implementation of Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment Standards
Session Proposal ID 454
Lead Chair: Christopher Polglase | CoChair: Justin Bedard
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G6. Cultural heritage
In this session, we will present case studies related to the implementation of existing cultural heritage practice standards. Anticipated examples will relate to the incorporation of World Heritage sites in broader impact assessments and how to integrate the expectations of intangible heritage and FPIC into impact assessments.
Acceptance Status: approve
Critical Habitat Assessment for No Net Loss in Linear Infrastructure Projects
Session Proposal ID 445
Lead Chair: Aaron Goldschmidt
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology
Developing countries are seeing infrastructure development but have limited technical capacity for critical habitat and cumulative impact assessment for devising no net loss or net gain approaches and strategies. This session will analyze the steps applied towards CHA and review the measurement and monitoring tools for achieving NNL and NG.
Acceptance Status: approve
Cultural Heritage in Strategic Environmental Assessment
Session Proposal ID 479
Lead Chair: Flavia Scardamaglia
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G6. Cultural heritage
The session includes presentations on effective inclusion of culture and cultural heritage in SEA, and proposals for doing so in the future.
Acceptance Status: approve
Cumulative Effects Assessment, Monitoring and Management: State-of-the-Art
Session Proposal ID 346
Lead Chair: Jill Blakley | CoChair: Bram Noble
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
This session showcases cutting-edge concepts and practice featured in the recent Special Issue of Environmental Management focused on global innovations in cumulative effects assessment, monitoring, and management, as well as other relevant peer-reviewed journals.
Acceptance Status: approve
Data protection in Social Impact Assessment
Session Proposal ID 472
Lead Chair: Ilse Aucamp
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T4. Environmental, social, and governance reporting and disclosure ESG
Data protection extends beyond compliance with laws—it forms the cornerstone of ethical business practice and customer relationship management. This session invites papers on how data protection can be ensured in SIA processes, what the consequences are of not protecting data and why it is important.
Acceptance Status: approve
Data-driven social risk management methods and tools for central and local use
Session Proposal ID 443
Lead Chair: Anna Nordenmark Severinsson | CoChair: Nneka Okereke
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
Social and environmental risk management is necessary to comply with standards for environmental and social sustainability. The session will explore new innovative data driven processes, methodologies and tools for managing social risks, either as nationally uniform tasks or as tasks delegated to local governments.
Acceptance Status: approve
Disasters, Conflict and Impact Assessment: What has been done? What is new?
Session Proposal ID 356
Lead Chair: Charles Kelly
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G7. Disasters and conflict
Disasters and conflicts are major disruptors of development, and lives. This session provides a venue to present on assessing impacts during conflicts and crises and lessons which have, or need to be, been learned.
Acceptance Status: approve
Effective Integration of Climate Change Risks in Impact Assessment
Session Proposal ID 468
Lead Chair: Roberto Mezzalama
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G4. Climate change
Integrating climate change risk assessment in the environmental and social assessment process is complex and requires re-imagining the whole process. This session will invite practitioners, reviewers, proponents and regulators to share experiences and define ways of making the integration more effective and meaningful.
Acceptance Status: approve
Embracing Nature: From Grey Solutions to Nature Based Solutions
Session Proposal ID 438
Lead Chair: Jacobiene Ritsema
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology
Embrace Nature. As IA practitioners we are often comparing 'grey alternatives'. In this workshop we will explore nature-based solutions instead. Get ready to be inspired and find out more about how nature can help solve technical problems and how you can promote NBS in your projects through expert presentations and an interactive workshop.
Acceptance Status: approve
Emerging AI applications in IA
Session Proposal ID 416
Lead Chair: Alan Bond
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
The session aims to identify emerging and innovative uses of AI in Impact Assessment. Case studies or hypothetical applications are both welcome, provided that they are novel.
Acceptance Status: approve
Environmental and social risk classification chess (specialists vs AI)
Session Proposal ID 401
Lead Chair: Warren Mayes
Session Format: Theme forum – Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
This session asks participants to anonymously classify the E&S risk of anonymous real-world project proposals and results compared and discussed with use of polling software. Simulating the great world chess super computer encounters, the session will then use an AI bot to perform the same risk classification analysis and the results compared.
Acceptance Status: approve
Environmental Impact Assessment in the AI Era. The Case for AI in Baselining Biodiversity.
Session Proposal ID 486
Lead Chair: Julia Tims | CoChair: Laura Plant
Session Format: Theme forum – Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology
This theme forum will bring together some of the world’s leading technology experts to discuss the future of AI-enhanced biodiversity data collection and its value for impact assessment, monitoring, and conservation. We invite real world examples from practitioners and insights from futurists on what lies ahead.
Acceptance Status: approve
Essential AI Learnings: ESIA Tools from Multilateral Financial Institutions
Session Proposal ID 474
Lead Chair: Hak Joo Song | CoChair: Brian Rafor
Session Format: Theme forum – Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
Explore AI-powered ESIA tools currently in use by leaders from WB, ADB, IFC, UN, and more. Gain insights into the cutting edge with the help of LLMs and geospatial scoping tools enabled by AI and hundreds of data layers. Join Q&A and discover how AI is revolutionizing ESIA with MFIs.
Acceptance Status: approve
Essential AI Learnings: Workflow Management for ESIA from MFIs
Session Proposal ID 451
Lead Chair: Tracy Hart | CoChair: Felix Oku
Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
Join our panel of leaders from the World Bank, ADB, IFC, and more, exploring AI integration into ESIA. Gain insights on AI-driven workflow efficiency, data management, and collaboration. Engage in Q&A and discover how AI is revolutionizing ESIA with MFIs.
Acceptance Status: approve
Evidence-base in Impact Assessment: The Role of Spatial Data and GIS-based Decision-Support Tools
Session Proposal ID 358
Lead Chair: Ainhoa González
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T3. Evidence-based policymaking
This session aims to explore advancements in the use of spatial data and GIS-based decision-support tools for evidence-based impact assessments, with emphasis on national applied methods and tools.
Acceptance Status: approve
Evironmental and Social Management Systems: Transforming EIAS into actions
Session Proposal ID 324
Lead Chair: Juan Carlos Paez Zamora | CoChair: Alejandra Catacoli
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G9. Governance and implementation systems
The discussion will explore strategies for translating Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAS) into actionable steps at the project level to promote sustainability. The panel will draw on lessons learned from implementing Environmental and Social Management Systems (ESMS) in projects, incorporating experiences from the Global South.
Acceptance Status: approve
Evolving the state of the art in Psycho-social impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 390
Lead Chair: Helen Ross
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T3. Evidence-based policymaking
Psycho-social impact assessment (PSIA) is an evolving field, ripe for further conceptual and practical development. How do PSIs occur, in different contexts? What environmental, cultural, and social inequalities are involved? What methodologies help us understand them? Is there a role for artificial intelligence? How can PSIs be reduced?
Acceptance Status: approve
Exploring AI for Effective Stakeholder Engagement in Impact Assessments
Session Proposal ID 453
Lead Chair: Harjot Kaur
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
Promote reflective discussion on use of AI for more agile mapping of stakeholders, predicting stakeholders’ concerns and analyzing their feedback using AI-generated analytics, communication strategies based on AI-supported insights for more inclusive, and impactful stakeholder engagement as part of social impact assessments in high risks projects.
Acceptance Status: approve
Exploring the use of AI to tackle the social implications of climate change
Session Proposal ID 458
Lead Chair: Alessandro Casartelli | CoChair: Alice Schoonejans
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G4. Climate change
This session will delve into the intersection of AI and climate change, focusing on its social implications. It will discuss the specific social risks and impacts of climate change, as well as how AI can assess and mitigate/adapt to such risks and impacts, while recognizing AI limitations and paradoxes.
Acceptance Status: approve
Global Perspectives on the Evolution of Impact Assessment (IA) Effectiveness
Session Proposal ID 395
Lead Chair: Francois Retief
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
This workshop aims to critically reflect on global perspectives on Impact Assessment (IA) effectiveness. It relies on a real time online international survey to be completed, analyzed and discussed during the workshop. We therefore invite anybody who is interested in the effectiveness and future directions of IA to attend.
Acceptance Status: approve
Going Digital, Staying Human: Technology and social impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 429
Lead Chair: Sara Bice
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: G13. Social impact assessment
Technology, including online consultation and AI, is changing human interactions central to SIA. Join us to explore how technologies influence that most human of impact assessments, SIA. Learn from international examples, debate opportunities and challenges. Collaboratively draft an IAIA FasTips on ‘Integrating Technology into SIA."
Acceptance Status: approve
Handbook on Health Impact Assessment
Session Proposal ID 353
Lead Chair: francesca viliani
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G10. Health
A panel, drawn from the over 40 authors who contributed to the “Handbook on Health Impact Assessment”, will present and discuss the role that HIA, public health, impact assessment and new technologies can play in addressing the challenges we face globally.
Acceptance Status: approve
Help finalise best practice principles in participation, AI assisted!
Session Proposal ID 397
Lead Chair: Tanya Burdett
Session Format: Solution room | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: G12. Public participation
An interactive ‘solution room’ session to help finalise the refresh of the IAIA Public Participation Best Practice Principles, Fastips and Key Citations. No prior experience needed! With the help of some AI, we’ll guide you through the process, but do bring your creativity and innovative insights.
Acceptance Status: approve
How can AI improve IA Follow-up practice?
Session Proposal ID 330
Lead Chair: Jos Arts
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
The aim of this session is to explore and discuss the potential of AI for improving IA follow-up. Participants are invited to discuss promising application or approaches, and to critically reflect on using AI in IA follow-up.
Acceptance Status: approve
Human Rights Impact Assessment of Digital Technology
Session Proposal ID 367
Lead Chair: Andy Symington | CoChair: Gabriela Factor
Session Format: Theme forum – World Café | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
As the rollout of digital technologies continues at pace, it is critical that human rights risks and impacts of AI systems are assessed and addressed. This session will share examples of human rights impact assessment of digital technology systems and their application.
Acceptance Status: approve
Human-centric AI implementation into ESIA and CSR
Session Proposal ID 388
Lead Chair: Giuseppe Magro
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G9. Governance and implementation systems
The purpose of the session is to explore, share and disseminate basic principles, practical methodologies and innovative technologies for a new human-centric AI implementation into governance and permitting system (ESIA, CSR). Participants will have the opportunity to share and improve their IA background skills required in the age of AI.
Acceptance Status: approve
IAIA and Cumulative Effects: a new section and a busy future
Session Proposal ID 383
Lead Chair: Martin Haefele | CoChair: Johanna Gordon
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: S1. Special to IAIA
Anyone interested in cumulative effects assessment is invited to share, contemplate, poke holes, and reformulate ideas to shape IAIA’s new Cumulative Effects Section. The session will use an interactive workshop format to brainstorm ideas in groups, evaluate the ideas of other groups and map out an action plan.
Acceptance Status: approve
IAIA Climate Change Action Plan: What’s New? What’s Next?
Session Proposal ID 357
Lead Chair: Pantea Niksirat | CoChair: Sumia Mohamed
Session Format: Theme forum – World Café | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: G4. Climate change
We will review the status of IAIA’s Climate Change Action Plan and identify next steps by seeking member input for the prioritisation and implementation of actions. Our goal is to generate new action items to achieve climate change mitigation and adaptation targets in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.
Acceptance Status: approve
Identifying potential health impacts of the use of Artificial Intelligence
Session Proposal ID 359
Lead Chair: Margaret Douglas | CoChair: Liz Green
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: G10. Health
Artificial intelligence could have transformative effects on many areas of life affecting multiple health determinants. This participatory workshop will involve a health impact screening exercise to identify and prioritise some potential areas of health impact and affected populations to be further explored.
Acceptance Status: approve
Identifying real-world solutions to support women in green transition energy projects
Session Proposal ID 385
Lead Chair: Camille O. Dallaire
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T3. Evidence-based policymaking
Green transition developments have gendered impacts that negatively affects women's well-being and empowerment. Research must investigate these impacts and their mitigations to support gender equality. This workshop brings together international experts to discuss real-world challenges and solutions focusing on case-studies and experiences.
Acceptance Status: approve
Impact Assessment and Governance for Climate Adaptation in Megacities
Session Proposal ID 391
Lead Chair: Yuan Xu | CoChair: Daniel Guttman
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G4. Climate change
Climate risks are causing serious damage to human lives and properties, especially in megacities where these risks are concentrated. This session invites contributions on impact assessment and governance, which are crucial for localized climate adaptation in both developed and developing countries with highly heterogeneous capacities and agendas.
Acceptance Status: approve
Impact Assessment of Mine Closure for Post-Mining Transitions
Session Proposal ID 337
Lead Chair: Sara Bjørn Aaen | CoChair: Izhar Mithal Jiskani
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G13. Social impact assessment
This session focuses on the crucial role of impact assessment (IA) in navigating the complexities of mine closure and facilitating successful post-mining transitions. It explores the current effectiveness of mine closures and how IAs can facilitate responsible mine closures by addressing environmental, social, and economic challenges and fostering community resilience.
Acceptance Status: approve
Implementation of HIA from a comparative perspective: Common grounds, differences, and the future with AI
Session Proposal ID 364
Lead Chair: Valentina Cavanna
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G10. Health
The aim of the session is to compare experiences from different Countries to identify common grounds and differences in HIA implementation. We welcome submissions that explore such aspects (e.g. concerning: extent of institutionalization; integration with other environmental proceedings; methods used; competency of experts; possible use of AI).
Acceptance Status: approve
Improving governance and decision making in IA
Session Proposal ID 502
Lead Chair: Jane McQuitty
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
This session explores new tools and alternative perspectives as a way to suggest improvements in IA decision-making processes.
Acceptance Status: approve
Improving IA efficiency for climate change: why, when and how
Session Proposal ID 448
Lead Chair: Anna Johnston
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G4. Climate change
There have been calls to make IA more efficient for “clean” projects that may help countries get to net zero. But what does “efficiency” mean? How can we tell a “clean” project from any other? This panel will explore ways to improve IA efficiency of climate-friendly projects without undue sacrifices.
Acceptance Status: approve
Improving Strategic Environmental Assessment practice in the EU and the wider world – can AI help?
Session Proposal ID 372
Lead Chair: Thomas Fischer | CoChair: Ric Eales
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
SEA has been a legal requirement in the EU for over two decades and is also increasingly applied globally. We invite papers from the EU and elsewhere on SEA’s successes and failures. We encourage presenters to reflect on the role AI based tools can or already play supporting good practice.
Acceptance Status: approve
Indigenous Holistic Cumulative Effects Programs: enhance your assessments
Session Proposal ID 378
Lead Chair: Barry Wilson
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G11. Indigenous Peoples
Cumulative Effects: an assessment challenge that isn’t going away. We need to consider projects in the context of all human land uses, natural disturbance & climate change. But how? Explore Indigenous-led holistic cumulative effects programs integrating Indigenous knowledge, science & AI. UNDRIP-aligned ideas to enhance your CE assessments.
Acceptance Status: approve
Indigenous Knowledge as a driver of innovation in impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 489
Lead Chair: Nina Barton | CoChair: Hereward Longley
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
We are interested in how meaningful consideration of Indigenous Knowledge can spur innovations in approaches and methodologies in impact assessment. Equal representation of diverse knowledge systems can strengthen impact assessment by providing more accuracy and relevance for Indigenous communities while increasing regulatory certainty.
Acceptance Status: approve
Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool, IPLCs, and AI
Session Proposal ID 469
Lead Chair: Mark Leckie
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology
Are you confused about where and how to start your nature related assessments? Overwhelmed by regulatory requirements? Struggling to make sense of biodiversity data? IBAT is the one-stop-shop for all your questions and biodiversity-related requirements! Join us to ease your way through this journey and to learn more.
Acceptance Status: approve
Integrating Climate Change through the lens of IFC’s Performance Standards: Addressing Environmental and Social Physical Climate Risk in Infrastructure Projects.
Session Proposal ID 491
Lead Chair: Sandra Gomez Paradela | CoChair: Raymi Craig Beltran
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G4. Climate change
This session will delve into the integration of climate change considerations from the perspective of the International Finance Corporation (IFC)'s Performance Standards within the infrastructure sector including challenges and lessons learned from climate E&S risk assessment during E&S due diligence.
Acceptance Status: approve
Korean Endeavor to Accomplish Digital EIA: Demonstration
Session Proposal ID 341
Lead Chair: Sangyun Lee
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
In this session, we would like to provide various demonstration with respect to digital environmental impact assessment. Those demonstrations include scoping reference statement, EIA checklists of individual items, digital effort for post-environmental monitoring and so on.
Acceptance Status: approve
Linear Infrastructure Project: The Path of Least Impact with Artificial Intelligence Tools
Session Proposal ID 345
Lead Chair: Franck Duchassin
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
This session explores the use of AI for planning linear infrastructures, aiming to reduce environmental impact and improve the efficiency of the environmental impact assessment process. It presents case studies, shares expertise, and discusses ethical and regulatory challenges for sustainable development.
Acceptance Status: approve
Linkages between sustainable finance and impact assessments
Session Proposal ID 354
Lead Chair: Jiri Dusik
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T4. Environmental, social, and governance reporting and disclosure ESG
This panel will discuss the potential linkages between the emerging taxonomies of sustainable economic activities and the incumbent IA processes that have so far globally served as key decision-support tools on sustainability of the proposed economic activities.
Acceptance Status: approve
Linking Global Commons Issues to IA: Fit for Future Actions & Next Steps
Session Proposal ID 325
Lead Chair: Barry Wiesner | CoChair: Weston Fisher
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: S1. Special to IAIA
Assessment Lacks Linkages to Earth & Human Systems: What to do? The Status of Fit for Future Initiative actions under the Initiative’s 7 objectives will be discussed. We will then seek feedback on the actions, proposed next steps, and what still needs to be done, while encouraging increased member involvement.
Acceptance Status: approve
Mainstreaming AI in environmental baselining and monitoring
Session Proposal ID 402
Lead Chair: Pippa Howard | CoChair: Noelia Jimenez Martinez
Session Format: Theme forum – Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology
Naturetechnologies underpinned by machine learning and AI can reinforce both the resolution and robustness of critical data needs for baselining, monitoring and decision-making by project proponents, regulators and project financiers.
Acceptance Status: approve
Making Impact Assessment more DAVE
Session Proposal ID 319
Lead Chair: Katherine Teh | CoChair: David McCallum
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: G7. Disasters and conflict
High conflict issues require impact assessments that deliver a process and an outcome that is credible for all parties. Join us to workshop the DAVE impact assessment model to assess if this could support you to reduce the risks. The workshop will teach the model, apply it and evaluate it in a highly participative approach using case studies.
Acceptance Status: approve
Meaningful stakeholder engagement: for and with affected stakeholders
Session Proposal ID 336
Lead Chair: Karin Buhmann | CoChair: Alberto Fonseca
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G12. Public participation
This session addresses meaningful stakeholder engagement (MSE) with a focus on barriers, drivers and good practice for achieving meaningful processes and outcomes for affected stakeholders, locally or along value chains. The session explores a relevant IA issue that is growing significance, related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG).
Acceptance Status: approve
Meet the editor
Session Proposal ID 347
Lead Chair: Urmila Jha Thakur
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: S1. Special to IAIA
Are you considering writing an article or professional practice paper on impact assessment but aren’t sure where to start? The editor and managers of IAIA’s journal, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, will present ways to write a good article and get it published. Bring your questions and ideas for articles or issues.
Acceptance Status: approve
Methods and approaches to impact assessment
Session Proposal ID 496
Lead Chair: TBC
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic:
This session will focus on papers which discuss methods and approaches to impact assessment. A specific interest of the session will be on learning from practical experiences and new and innovative approaches to impact assessment.
Acceptance Status: approve
Navigating Complexities: Resettlement Management in Zones Emerging from Conflict
Session Proposal ID 419
Lead Chair: Corinne Kennedy | CoChair: Lloyd Lipsett
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G7. Disasters and conflict
Join us to explore innovative strategies for managing resettlement in conflict-prone areas. We seek submissions on practical solutions and case studies. Participants will learn best practices to enhance livelihood outcomes, navigate volatile security environments, and address human rights concerns in regions emerging from conflict.
Acceptance Status: approve
Navigating Conservation with AI: Trustworthy Data for a Sustainable Future
Session Proposal ID 381
Lead Chair: Emily Charry Tissier
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology
The blue economy, set to hit $3 trillion by 2030, faces definition inconsistencies, risking harmful practices. AI can aid marine conservation but needs accessible, trustworthy data. A standardizing body for ethical data production is crucial for effective policymaking and ESG practices. Join us in bridging profitability and sustainability.
Acceptance Status: approve
Offshore Wind Farms ESIA: state of the art, issues and opportunities
Session Proposal ID 459
Lead Chair: Giovanni Torchia | CoChair: Silvestro Greco
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology
Installation of offshore wind energy is increasing worldwide, particularly for floating wind farms. This is posing several challenges to ESIA practitioners, as the potential impacts are poorly understood. The session will bring together experts, developers and regulators to discuss the state of the art.
Acceptance Status: approve
Pivoting Policies: Evidence-Based Environmental Policymaking and its Impact on Renewable Energy Development
Session Proposal ID 400
Lead Chair: Jana Minnaar
Session Format: Pecha Kucha | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T3. Evidence-based policymaking
In the context of climate change and the imperative to shift toward sustainable energy, this session focuses on evidence-based environmental policymaking’s impact on the renewable energy sector. Presenters will share real-world examples, discussing how such policies have accelerated or halted renewable energy development.
Acceptance Status: approve
Post-resettlement Livelihoods: reality, experiences and lessons
Session Proposal ID 371
Lead Chair: Gwendolyn Wellmann
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G13. Social impact assessment
Involuntary resettlement frequently leads to resettled households not only losing their homes, their sense of community, their graves and cultural artefacts, but also their livelihoods. This session explores lessons learned from post-resettlement livelihood restoration efforts.
Acceptance Status: approve
Practical assessment and mitigation approaches in IA
Session Proposal ID 501
Lead Chair: Meredith Henderson
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
In this session, presenters will share practical methods and approaches for assessing and mitigating impacts.
Acceptance Status: approve
Queering impact assessment: an invitation for intersectional dialogue
Session Proposal ID 462
Lead Chair: Dawn Hoogeveen | CoChair: Patricia Fitzpatrick
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G13. Social impact assessment
There are increasing moves to examine gender and intersectionality in impact assessment including through regulation. This session invites discussion on gender and intersectionality, including queer analyses to think through how gendering impact assessment can be inclusive of all sexual orientations including women, men and LGBTQ2S+ peoples.
Acceptance Status: approve
Reform of EsIA: The good, the bad and the ugly
Session Proposal ID 380
Lead Chair: Cheryl E. Wasserman
Session Format: World Café | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G9. Governance and implementation systems
The Session will explore challenges and proposed reforms and streamlining of EsIA and permitting to achieve efficiency and effectiveness. Concerns over cost and time required for EsIA have created urgency for reforms and streamlining as officials strive to address climate change and critical infrastructure as well as needed economic investment.
Acceptance Status: approve
SIA as the basis for ongoing participatory community monitoring; examples from across the world
Session Proposal ID 386
Lead Chair: Kathy Witt | CoChair: Will Rifkin
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G13. Social impact assessment
Come and explore the opportunities and challenges of taking SIA one step further to become ongoing participatory community monitoring. We will hear examples of where this has worked or not from around the world.
Acceptance Status: approve
Social acceptance in the “backyard" - approaches and empirical evidence
Session Proposal ID 424
Lead Chair: Orlando San Martin
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G12. Public participation
In this session we aim to share evidence-based lessons from different approaches, mechanisms, and case studies (incl. benefit sharing and meaningful community participation approaches) to promote the co-existence between competing land (or sea) users and attain a social license to operate renewable energy projects
Acceptance Status: approve
Steps and Tools to Improve Documents and Procedures to Streamline IA
Session Proposal ID 492
Lead Chair: Glenn Brown
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G9. Governance and implementation systems
Suggestions for new methods to streamline IA are worthy but existing processes can be improved even without major changes. This session shares ideas about, and examples of, tools of argument, procedure, writing and presentation that can make existing IA processes more efficient and effective.
Acceptance Status: approve
Synergies between Impact Assessment and the Circular Economy
Session Proposal ID 339
Lead Chair: Ralf Aschemann | CoChair: Tomás Ramos
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G9. Governance and implementation systems
This session explores potential synergies between impact assessment (IA) and circular economy (CE). E.g., EIAs and SEAs can assess the impact of CE related activities, whereas CE strategies can generate ideas for decreasing the environmental effects of PPPs. Plus, using those synergies breaks the typical "silo" thinking of separate fields.
Acceptance Status: approve
The Biodiversity Significance of Some Modified Habitats: Implications for Impact Assessment
Session Proposal ID 379
Lead Chair: George Ledec
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G3. Biodiversity and ecology
Some modified habitats have remarkably high biodiversity value, even serving as critical habitats. This session will examine modified habitats that are important for conserving biodiversity, along with how to prepare environmental assessment reports in ways that recognize the biodiversity significance of these areas.
Acceptance Status: approve
The Emerging Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Future of Impact Assessment
Session Proposal ID 376
Lead Chair: Alexandra Jiricka-Pürrer | CoChair: Gesa Geißler
Session Format: Theme forum – Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
In this interactive session, we will dive into the role of AI in the future of IA looking particularly on planning quality, effectiveness, responsibilities, transparency as well as security. The session will build on submissions to an IAPA special issue, facilitating rich interdisciplinary exchange and fostering critical and constructive reflection
Acceptance Status: approve
The future of IA
Session Proposal ID 500
Lead Chair: Ahmed Sanda
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
The session brings together the combined experience and knowledge of IA guru(s) in an attempt to shape the future of IA in the era of excessive data, old and emerging constraints of shared and or common problems.
Acceptance Status: approve
The good, the bad and the ugly – the role of AI in public participation in IA
Session Proposal ID 409
Lead Chair: Timothy Peirson-Smith
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G12. Public participation
A highly interactive session to explore how AI can provide a ‘voice’ at the table, and a tangible role in improved and enhanced public participation processes in IA.
Acceptance Status: approve
The validation of impact assessments, adaptive management, and reassessments.
Session Proposal ID 322
Lead Chair: Daniel Stuckless
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G9. Governance and implementation systems
Validation of impact assessment outcomes and plans become a focal point when things don't go according to plan. This session will describe positives and negatives of outcomes and plans not met or exceeded.
Acceptance Status: approve
Tools and techniques for regional cumulative effects assessment and management
Session Proposal ID 493
Lead Chair: Effah Antwi
Session Format: Theme forum – Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
In this session, participants will learn three things: 1) The conceptual design and framing of RAFCE; 2) Application of the web-based RAFCE software to a case study of regional assessment; 3) demonstrate capabilities of RAFCE for realtime data sharing, streamlining the assessment process and collaboration.
Acceptance Status: approve
Towards Improving Social Impact Management in the Mining Sector
Session Proposal ID 323
Lead Chair: Kerry Fairley
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G13. Social impact assessment
A session aimed at improving social performance management in the mining sector. Those involved in the mining sector are invited to submit papers that promote discussion and collaboration on how to improve impact management to ensure that risks to operations and projects are reduced and benefits to affected communities are realised.
Acceptance Status: approve
Transparency & data sharing in impact assessment for the energy transition
Session Proposal ID 335
Lead Chair: Diana Carolina Arbelaez Ruiz | CoChair: Rauno Sairinen
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T4. Environmental, social, and governance reporting and disclosure ESG
The session explores transparency, participation and data sharing in impact assessment for energy transition technologies and projects (e.g. solar PV, wind, batteries, mobility electrification technology, and critical minerals). Examples include participatory fact-finding, digital-technologies and novel methods for data and results sharing, etc.
Acceptance Status: approve
Updating best practice principles on engaging with Indigenous communities
Session Proposal ID 418
Lead Chair: Diana Lewis | CoChair: Dyanna Jolly
Session Format: Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: G11. Indigenous peoples
The Indigenous Peoples’ section is updating the best practice principles on Indigenous peoples and traditional knowledge. We will review the 2012 principles and the 2017 Aashukan Declaration and reflect on what meaningful and transformative engagement looks like. Come along to this workshop and contribute to the update. Everyone welcome.
Acceptance Status: approve
Use of data, technology, and artificial intelligence tools for enhanced accountability
Session Proposal ID 374
Lead Chair: Benoit Vanwelde | CoChair: Laurence Levaque
Session Format: World Café | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
The session will explore how data, technology and AI tools can reinforce accountability practices and trust in project development. Starting with a brief introduction on accountability and a presentation of technological applications used for assessing environmental and social performance, parallel discussions will then be organised to cover differ
Acceptance Status: approve
Using AI technologies to quantify environmental impacts on complex systems
Session Proposal ID 432
Lead Chair: Zishu Wang | CoChair: Chunyan Wang
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T2. Data-driven innovation of processes approaches methodologies tools
The worldwide advancement and applications of AI technologies will provide us more approaches to understand the complex human-nature system. How can we use AI technologies to better identify and quantify potential environmental impacts? The participants will contribute their perspectives on the utilization of AI in EIA procedures, offering ideas and sharing best practices.
Acceptance Status: approve
Using Strategic Thinking in Impact Assessment to enhance Sustainability
Session Proposal ID 440
Lead Chair: Maria Partidario | CoChair: Margarida Barata Monteiro
Session Format: Game - Gaming | Accepts Submissions: Closed
Conference Topic: T3. Evidence-based policymaking
Let’s experience impact assessment in a strategic and innovative way towards transformative change. Questions such as: “what if the current policy does not change? and what if the current trend persists?” will help to reflect on the importance of strategic thinking in the practice of IA in development decision-making.
Acceptance Status: approve
Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in Urban Environmental Planning for Climate Change Response
Session Proposal ID 410
Lead Chair: Seunghyun Jung | CoChair: Minju Kim
Session Format: Paper session | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: G4. Climate change
AI tech aids urban planning by accurate prediction, optimizing infrastructure, and mitigating environmental impact. It analyzes data for weather, traffic, and population to adapt cities to climate change. AI manages energy, waste, and enhances transport systems, crucial for sustainable urban development. This session explores AI’s role in creating
Acceptance Status: approve
What is needed to achieve trusted and efficient IA for “green” projects
Session Proposal ID 406
Lead Chair: Celesa Horvath
Session Format: Panel discussion | Accepts Submissions: Invitation Only
Conference Topic: G9. Governance and implementation systems
This panel discussion will bring together diverse perspectives to explore how to develop trusted, efficient, and expedited IA processes, especially for “green” projects tackling climate change, that respect and achieve both our local and global environmental goals.
Acceptance Status: approve
What science and whose art? Demarcation of AI and human roles in IA.
Session Proposal ID 393
Lead Chair: Jack Krohn
Session Format: Theme forum – Solution room | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
This session will engage practitioners in the delineation of AI and human roles in IA through the collaborative development of a definitive statement. If you have a view about where the line lies, or how hard or fuzzy it should be, this is YOUR session!
Acceptance Status: approve
What’s the Reality Behind the AI Hype in IA?
Session Proposal ID 460
Lead Chair: Christopher Bowles | CoChair: Babette Bresser
Session Format: Theme forum – Workshop | Accepts Submissions: Open
Conference Topic: T1. Impact of artificial intelligence on impact assessment
Gain concrete insights into how AI technologies are currently being employed within Impact Assessment through lightning talks and a dynamic "Thinking Hats" workshop, bringing together diverse expertise and backgrounds to move past the hype and uncover new, innovative AI-driven solutions and approaches within Impact Assessment.
Acceptance Status: approve