\ Abstracts

IAIA25 Abstracts


EIA and Management of Large Artificial Reservoirs: A Brazilian Case Study

Abstract ID# 771

Presenting Author: Andre  Naime |  Coauthor(s):  Irene Frayha ,   Wiliam   Nunes

Preferred Session:  Methods and approaches to impact assessment

Summary Statement: It presents a methodology for assessing and managing impacts in artificial reservoirs, integrating ecological and social factors to address land use conflicts and promote sustainability

Acceptance Status: pending

Enabling Communities to Generate Evidence-Based Reports for EAs

Abstract ID# 772

Presenting Author: Martin  Grygar |  Coauthor(s):  Dr. Amakiri, Tamuno Kingsley

Preferred Session:  AI and Sustainability: The New Era of Environmental Assessment

Summary Statement: AI tools like Aurora and Ne-tu enable Aboriginal communities to generate data-driven reports for land stewardship and reclamation, optimizing environmental recovery through real-time monitoring.

Acceptance Status: pending

Environmental Legislative updates for BESS Developments in South Africa

Abstract ID# 769

Presenting Author: Jana  Minnaar

Preferred Session:  Pivoting Policies: Evidence-Based Environmental Policymaking and its Impact on Renewable Energy Development

Summary Statement: South Africa’s new legislation for Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) aims to balance renewable energy development with environmental protection

Acceptance Status: pending

Leveraging AI and GIS for Community Engagement in Urban Development Project

Abstract ID# 766

Presenting Author: Saiful Bahari  Amra Ramly |  Coauthor(s):  Abang Nazrul Afizi Abang Madehi

Preferred Session:  Evidence-base in Impact Assessment: The Role of Spatial Data and GIS-based Decision-Support Tools

Summary Statement: This paper explores the use of AI and GIS technologies to enhance community engagement planning in urban development projects in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Acceptance Status: pending

Mine decline and challenges towards economic transformation

Abstract ID# 765

Presenting Author: Kentse  Sesele

Preferred Session:  Impact Assessment of Mine Closure for Post-Mining Transitions

Summary Statement: This paper looks at the challenges faced by local economies in decline. The digitisation strategy requires the building of a foundation that will sustain the new investment.

Acceptance Status: pending

Mining, the sustainable development goals and impact assessments

Abstract ID# 764

Presenting Author: Cecilia  Campero |  Coauthor(s):  Nathan Andrews ,   Tracy   Smith-Carrier

Preferred Session:  Towards Improving Social Impact Management in the Mining Sector

Summary Statement: This paper explores the processes and practices that might be used to examine the role of impact assessments on addressing the SDGs.

Acceptance Status: pending

Power and Participation: EIA as Wilderness-Cherishing Speech Act in Urban A

Abstract ID# 770

Presenting Author: Jane  McQuitty

Preferred Session:  Meaningful stakeholder engagement: for and with affected stakeholders

Summary Statement: • A case study of a commonly used "wilderness-cherishing" EIA design in the US and Canada, exploring its role as a speech act that shapes urban environmental advocacy and stakeholder engagement.

Acceptance Status: pending

The Open Science and Data Platform with Generative AI for Impact Assessment

Abstract ID# 768

Presenting Author: mohamed  habbane

Preferred Session:  More Effective Public Participation and Through Digital Technologies

Summary Statement: Enhancing the Government of Canada’s Open Science and Data Platform with Semantic Search and Generative Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Impact Assessments, supporting informed decision.

Acceptance Status: pending

Understanding the Space for Improved SEA Monitoring, the Case of Kenya

Abstract ID# 767

Presenting Author: Kennedy  Ojwando |  Coauthor(s):  Wim Douven

Preferred Session:  Improving Strategic Environmental Assessment practice in the EU and the wider world – can AI help?

Summary Statement: SEA monitoring is often weak and challenging, reducing its effectiveness as a tool to support sustainable development. The study sought to examine the space for SEA monitoring implementation in Kenya.

Acceptance Status: pending

UrbanRenewal&Resettlement In Sarawak:AdvancingSDGs ThroughLocal Experiences

Abstract ID# 763

Presenting Author: FORKANIZAM  DOLHADI

Preferred Session:  Post-resettlement Livelihoods: reality, experiences and lessons

Summary Statement: The findings highlight how Sarawak’s approach to urban renewal has been tailored to its local context, balancing economic development with environmental sustainability and social equity.

Acceptance Status: pending