Submit an abstract

For over 40 years, IAIA conferences have created a global platform for IA experts to share their ideas, showcase innovative solutions, and help shape the future of impact assessment. Become part of that story! Join us a presenter at IAIA25.

decisions to make before your submission

In both cases, an abstract submission is required. A paper is the oral summary of the findings of a prepared paper, research, or project. Even if you do not have a written paper, if you are an invited speaker, panelist, workshop participant, etc., you are considered an “author” and must submit an abstract (description of what you will be presenting or discussing). In a poster session, there is no formal oral presentation; instead, the author is assigned a display area on which diagrams, graphics, data, pictures/photos, and a small amount of text are presented. The abstract is the summary of what you will be presenting visually. (For posters, watch for the “Click here to submit a poster” at the top of the submission form.)

You will be asked to select from a drop-down menu of 90+ sessions. See the full list of sessions here to find a session on your topic. This is your preferred session only – session assignments may change.

You may include co-authors in your submission, but note only YOU will be the contact for the abstract, and you will be the person responsible for presenting on-site. Do not submit an abstract on behalf of someone else or using someone else’s email.

To remain on the final program, all approved presenters must register and pay the registration fees by 22 January 2025. No exceptions. (BONUS: This means you will get the early bird discount!)

Participation on the program is limited to one session per person. This means you may 1) chair one session, 2) co-chair one session, 3) be the presenter of one paper or poster, OR 4) be a panelist or speaker in one session. (EXCEPTION: Session chairs/co-chairs may submit one abstract to their chaired session.) You may be a co-author of a paper and/or a poster (i.e., not the person making the presentation) an unlimited number of times. If your name is attached to more than one submission, only your first submission will be considered; all others will be deleted.

Ok, decisions are made. what next?

You know your presentation format, the preferred session you will submit to, and have only this one submission to make. Now you are ready to submit your abstract!

STEP 1: Make sure you have each piece of required information below.

  • Create a new username and password to use this submission system. 
  • Preferred session in which you will present (list at
  • Presentation title (75 characters maximum, including spaces).
  • Abstract text (1600 characters maximum, including spaces – approximately 250 words). The Program Committee will use this text to assess the quality of the potential presentation.
  • Summary statement (190 characters maximum, including spaces – approximately 30 words). If your presentation is accepted, this text will be used online and in the mobile app.
  • Presenting author name, email, company, and country. (THIS IS YOU! You will be the primary contact person for this submission AND the person responsible for presenting on-site. Do not submit an abstract on behalf of someone else or using someone else’s email.)
  • Presenting author bio (190 characters maximum, including spaces – approximately 30 words). If accepted, the session chair will use this to introduce you to the audience in Bologna.
  • Media consent (yes or no). Allows IAIA to use any media taken at or submitted to this event, and confirms you have any necessary permissions to use the materials in your presentation. Read the full Media Release Consent form here.
  • OPTIONAL: Co-author(s) name, email, company, and country if applicable.


STEP 2: Click the button below to get started! You will go to a page to review the formal submission guidelines and policies. Tick the acceptance box at the bottom of that page to proceed.