Who Attends IAIA Conferences

IAIA conferences bring together a diverse mix of impact assessment experts and professionals from around the world. Each year these conferences welcome 800-1200 delegates, representing many sectors and disciplines, from 100+ countries.

Check out several of the organizations represented at recent IAIA conferences below.

49th Parallel Planning Ltd.
Aalborg University
AAP Consulting
AB “LTG Infra”
Acorn International, LLC
Acumen Consulting
Adams Lake Indian Band
AdiEnvironmental cc
Advisian (Group of Worley Companies)
African Development Bank
African Institute for Energy Governance
Alberta Energy Regulator
Alberta Environment and Parks
Alexco Environmental Group
Algebra Srl
Allied Environmental Consultants Limited
Amathemba Environmental Management Consulting
Ambitos Andinos
American University
Análsis Territorial y Ambiental, S.L.
Anchor Management Consultants Ltd
Anglo American Plc
Anthros Solutions
Appraisal Center for Environment and Engineering, Ministry of Environmental Protection, China
Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Arctic EIA Project, Ministry of the Environment, Finland
Arcus Consultancy Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Ardent Group Pty Ltd
Arizona State University
Arrowsmith Gold Inc.
ASF Consulting
Ashawa Consults Limited
Asian Development Bank
Asian Research Institute for Environmental Law
Assess Consulting
Associated Consultants Limited
Association on American Indian Affairs
Australian National University
AVS Sustainability / BEAC
baies Ltd
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Bangor University
BC Public Service
BCA Insight Ltd
Beijing Normal University
Ben Cave Associates Ltd.
Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre
Benin Environment and Education Society
BEP Advisors
Biodiversity Assessment and Management Pty Ltd
Biosis Pty Ltd
Bluedot Associates, Ltd.
BlueWind Consulting Ltd
BNP Paribas Asset Management
Boffa Miskell Ltd.
Bradshaw Consulting
Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus
Brisbane Airport Corporation
British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office
British Columbia Ministry of Attorney General
Brunei Shell Petroleum Co. Sdn. Bhd
Burdett Associates Pty Ltd
Busitema University
Cameron Strategies
Camphora Pte Ltd
Camusat Kenya
Canada Energy Regulator
Canada West Foundation
Canadian Energy Research Institute
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Canadian Wildlife Service
Capstone Environmental
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw
CBCL Limited
CEG-IST, University of Lisbon
Centerra Gold
Central Queensland University
Centre for Environment, Health Research, & Training
Centre for Environmental Assessment Research, UBC
Centre for Environmental Research and Impact Studies, University of Bucharest
Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW Australia
Centre for Social Impact, Faculty Business and Law, Swinburne University of Technology
Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
Centre of Studies and Experimentation of Public Works (CEDEX)
Centre of Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT), University of Coimbra
Centro de Servicios en Energía y Sustentabilidad (ENE-SUS)
Chapleau Cree First Nation
Charles and Barker Limited
Charles Darwin University
Chemtek Associates
Chenoweth Environment
Chiba University of Commerce
Chinese University of Hong Kong
ChungNam Institute (CNI)
Claverton Associates Ltd
Climpact Data Science
CO2 Australia Pty Ltd 
Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa
Cole Atlin Sustainability Solutions
Colucent Environmental
Columbia Law School
COMCAP Consultants
Kenya Oil and Gas Working Group
Community Insights Group
Compañía Minera Ares SAC
Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO), World Bank Group
Comtexto Consulting
Concordia University Montreal
Conservation & Environment Protection Authority, PNG
Consultative Implementation Monitoring Council (CIMC)
Consultoria Geambiental S.L.
Cook Islands National Environment Service
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
County Government of Busia, Kenya
County Government of Kisumu, Kenya
CQG Consulting
Creativa Consult
Credit Guarantee & Investment Facility (CGIF)
Cree Nation Government
Critical Catalyst – Health Consulting
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
Crudo Transparente
CSA Ocean Sciences Inc.
Cuban Petroleum (Oil & Gas Investigation Center)
Curtin University
D.G. de Calidad Ambiental y Recursos Hidricos del Gobierno de la Rioja
DAES Consultores
Dalhousie University
Danish Centre for Environmental Assessment (DCEA), Aalborg University
Danish Institute for Human Rights
Dataline International Limited
DDA International Consulting
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
Department for Energy and Mining, Australia
Department of Commerce, Industry & Environment, Nauru
Department of Defence, Australia
Department of Environment & Natural Resources, Australia
Department of Environment and Energy, Australia
Department of Environment, Fiji Islands
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning – Australia
Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security (Australia)
Department of Environment, Tonga
Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa
Department of Environmental Protection & Conservation, Australia
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
Department of Geography, University of Otago
Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions, Australia
Department of Lands, Government of the Northwest Territories, Canada
Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science, and Engineering, Sweden
Department of Transport and Main Roads, Australia
Department of Water & Environmental Regulation, Australia
Dept. de Ciencias Agroforestales
Dhamana Consulting
Digital Conservation Facility, Laos (DCFL)
Dillon Consulting Limited
Diponegoro University
Directorate of Environment, Somalia
Directorate of Petroleum, Uganda
Diverse Ecosafety Consultants Ltd
DOCH Consulting
Domus Consultoria Ambiental SAC
E Guard Environmental Services
Eagle Cap Consulting Ltd.
Earthcare Services Limited
East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)
East China Center for Safety
Eckerd College
Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd
Eco Services Limited
ECOS Chile
Ecotech Limited
EcOz Environmental Consultants
Edinburgh University
Edith Cowan University
Eeyou Marine Region Impact Review Board
EKF – Denmark’s Export Credit Agency
Ekolur Asesoría Ambiental, SLL
Eldoret National Polytechnic
Elizabeth Bradshaw Consulting
Ely Bauxite Mine Beneficiaries Corporation Pty Ltd
Embu County Government, Kenya
Emerge Associates
Empresa Públicas de Medellín
Endangered Wildlife Trust
Energy Commission, Ghana
Engineering Advancement Association of Japan
Engineering and Environmental Management Services Limited
Engineers Without Borders
Eni S.P.A
EnviroME Pty Ltd
Environ Engineering & Management Consult
Environment & Social Infrastructure Consultant Co., Ltd.
Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi 
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Environment and Climate Change Mainstreaming Facility, EC INTPA
Environment and Development Services (EDS)
Environment Bureau, Government of HKSAR
Environment Canada
Environment Institute Of Kenya
Environmental Accord Limited
Environmental and Occupational Health Management Division, Laos
Environmental Assessment Office, Canada
Environmental Assessment Service (SEA), Chile
Environmental Conservation Department, Myanmar
Environmental Development Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, China
Environmental Engineering Consultants
Environmental Governance Institute International, Retired EPA
Environmental Impact Review Board
Environmental Impact Screening Committee
Environmental Law Institute
Environmental Protection Administration, ROC (Taiwan)
Environmental Protection Agency Ireland
Environmental Protection Agency, Ghana
Environmental Protection Agency, Hong Kong
Environmental Protection Agency, Micronesia
Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR
Environmental Resources Management (ERM)
Environmental Solutions and Consultancy, Dubai
EnviSolutions, Lda.
Envtech Consult Ltd
Eon plus d.o.o.
EPA, New Zealand
EPA, Tasmania
ERE Consulting Group Sdn Bhd
ESIA – Consult Ltd
Eskom Holdings
Estonian Environment Institute, Tallinnforum, DGE Group
Etat de Vaud – DSE
eThekwini Municipality, South Africa
EU DEVCO Environment Mainstreaming Facility (AGRECO)
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
European Commission (DG ENV )
European Environment Agency (EEA)
European Investment Bank (EIB)
European Investment Bank Complaints Mechanism
Executive Counsel Limited
Export Development Canada
Export Processing Zones Authority
Export-Import Bank of the US
ExxonMobil Development Company
ExxonMobil Global Projects
ExxonMobil PNG Limited
Facultad de Agronomia- Universidad de Buenos Aires (FAUBA)
Faculty of Law, Naresuan University
Fathom Pacific Pty Ltd
Fauna and Flora International
Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology – Austria
Federal Ministry of Environment, Nigeria
Federal University of Petroleum Resources 
Federal University of Sao Paulo
Finnish Overseas Consultants
Firelight Group
Fitzgerald Applied Sociology
Flemish Government, Department of Environment and Spatial Planning
Fondation Rivieres
Forest Trends
Fort McKay Metis Community
Fothergill Training & Consulting Ltd
French Biodiversity Agency
Fudan University
Fundação Renova
Fundacion HAZI Fundazioa
FURG – Instituto de Oceanografia
G5 Expertos Ambientales / TMA
Gainsford Environmental Consulting
GEI Consultants
Generalitat de Catalunya
George Bourne & Associates
GHD Pty Lid
Gire Consult Limited
Gitxaala Environmental Monitoring
GIZ – Peru, German Development Agency
Glencore Coal
Global Affairs Canada
Gobierno de La Rioja
Golder Associates
GOVCOPP, University of Aveiro
Government of Canada – Dept of Natural Resources
Government of Catalonia, Ministry of Territory & Sustainability
Government of Makueni County, Kenya
Government of Nunavut, Canada
Government of the Northwest Territories, Canada
Government of Tuvalu
Gran Tierra Energy
Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment
Gray & Pape, Inc.
Green Equity Asia – East-West Management Institute
Green Ticket
Green-Globe Research Limited
Green-Scene Environmental
Greentrends LLC
Griffith University
Grupo Tragsa
Hamilton SierraCon
Haskoning Australia Pty. Ltd. 
HAZI Fundazioa
Health Canada
Health Impact Project
Hemmera Envirochem Inc.
Heritage Commission
Hibbs & Associates Pty Ltd
Hochschild Mining PLC
Hohai University
Hong Kong Institute of Environmental Impact Assessment
Hongsa Power Company Limited
Human Environment Group
Hunter Research Foundation Centre
Hydrobiology Australia
Ibadan Urban Flood Management Project
IBER Sostenibilidad y Desarrollo S.L.
Iberdrola Renovables
ICMA – Ingenieros Consultores Medio Ambiente SL
IDAD – Institute of Environment and Development
I-De Redes Elécticas Inteligentes
Ideas Medioambientales S L
IHE Delft
ILF Consulting Engineers Austria GmbH
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
Independent Research Institute of Mongolia (IRIM)
Inerco Consultoría Colombia
Infrastructure Advisory Group
Institut Louis Bachelier
Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies
Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA)
Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales UC
Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade de Lisboa
Integra Consulting Ltd.
Integral Sustainability
INTEL EHS Services Limited
Inter-American Development Bank
Inter-American Investment Corporation
Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF)
International Council on Mining and Metals
International Finance Corporation (IFC)
International SOS
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Intersocial Ltd.
Iranian Association for Impact Assessment
IRES Ecology
Island Health
ISP Global 
James Cook University
Japan International Cooperation Agency
Japan Nus Co., Ltd.
JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd
JICA Research Institute
JLH Environmental
Johns Hopkins University
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Jones & Wagener
Joule Tree LLC
Keio University
Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited
Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute
Kenya Urban Roads Authority
Kenya Wildlife Service
Kinross Gold Corporation
Kirinyaga University
Kisii County Government, Kenya
Kitselas First Nation
Kleen Hydro Ltd
Knight Piesold Consulting
Korea Environment Corporation
Korea Environment Institute
Korean Society of EIA
KPMG Banarra
KTH – Royal Institute of Technology
Kyung Hee University
LANCIS, Instituto de Ecologia, UNAM
Landa Eder Consulting
Landsvirkjun National Power Company of Iceland
Lawyers Environment Action Team
Leading Green
Lebanese Petroleum Administration
Leigh Creek Energy Ltd
LEP Consultants, Zurich
Lesotho Highlands Water Commission
Lincoln University
Local Administrative Entities Development (LODA)
Luleå University of Technology
Lundin Argentina
Lundin Foundation
Luxembourg Stock Exchange
LVR Consulting
Lwandle Technologies Pty Ltd
Maastricht University
Machakos University
Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board
Macquarie University
Mafalda Arias and Associates
Mainstream Renewable Power
Major Road Projects Victoria
Makilala Mining Company, Inc.
Makueni County Government, Kenya
Mandai Park Development (Singapore)
Maneko Solutions
Manitoba Infrastructure
Marine & Environmental Law Institute, Dalhousie University
Massey University
MATEX International
McAleese & Associates (UK) Ltd
McGill University
MDF Rwanda Ltd
Meagan Grabowski Consulting
Meiji University
Mejores Practicas
Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne
Mendel University in Brno
Meridian Urban
Mexican Institute of Water Technology
Mid Sweden University
MIGA/World Bank Group
Mikisew Cree First Nation
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Millennium EMS Solutions
Milton Thomas Group
Ministério Da Indústrio, Angola
Ministry for the Environment and Natural Resources, Iceland
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Ficheries and Cooperatives – Kenya
Ministry of Blue Economy and Fisheries, Tanzania
Ministry of Culture, Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Ecological Transition, Spain
Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Myanmar
Ministry of Energy & Mineral Development, Uganda
Ministry of Energy and Mines, Peru
Ministry of Energy, Ghana
Ministry of Energy, Tanzania
Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Kenya
Ministry of Environment, Angola
Ministry of Environment, Ghana
Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development, Kiribati
Ministry of Environment, Lebanon
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management – Netherlands
Ministry of Land, Environmental, the Rural Development (MITADER) – Mozambique
Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development – Uganda
Ministry of Meteorology, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communication – Tonga
Ministry of Mineral Resources and Petroleum, Angola
Ministry of Mines & Steel, Nigeria
Ministry of Mines and Energy, Colombia
Ministry of Mining and Energy, Sudan
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Samoa
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Myanmar
Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Somalia
Ministry of Petroleum and Mining, Kenya
Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Cambodia
Ministry of Public Works, Paraguay
Ministry of the Environment, Finland
Mishan Ecosafety Agenecy
Missouri Botanical Garden
Montana State University
MosquitoZone PNG LTD
Moss Environmental
Mott MacDonald Ltd
MPA Project Management Unit
Nagoya University
Nairobi Metropolitan Services
Nano C&W
Naresuan University
Narratives Inc
National Dept. of Infrastructure & Transportation
National Disaster Management Institute, Republic of Korea
National Environment Management Authority, Kenya
National Environment Management Council, Tanzania
National Environmental Licensing Authority (ANLA), Colombia
National Heritage Board, Singapore
National Institute of Ecology, Republic of Korea
National Planning Agency – Iceland
National Programs – IAAC
National Research Center for Resettlement of Hohai University
National Swedish Sami Association
National University of La Plata (UNLP) & UNSAdA
National University of Mongolia
National University of San Antonio de Areco (UNSAdA) & National University of La Plata (UNLP), Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones Aplicadas del Agua y el Ambiente (CIIAAA).
Natural Resources Canada
Nature Conservancy
NatureSolutions Limited
Nelson Mandela University
Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment
Netherlands Enterprise Agency
New Development Bank
New Guinea Binatang Research Center
New Zealand Coal and Carbon Ltd
Newcastle University
Newmont Mining Company
Ngāti Mākino Iwi Authority
NGH Environmental
Nick Taylor & Associates
Niskamoon Corporation
Nomenade Consulting Pty Limited
Norsk Hydro ASA
North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Ltd
Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority
Northern Territory Government, Australia
Northumbria University
North-West University
Norwegian Environment Agency
NSW Department of Planning & Environment
NTNU University Museum
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, UK
Nuclear Power and Energy Agency, Kenya
Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Canada
Nunavut Impact Review Board
Oasis Capital Ghana Limited
Ocean University of China
Odonaterra Inc.
Office for Environmental Regulation and Safety, Cuba
Office National pour l’Environnement, Madagascar
Office of Defence Seaworthiness Regulator, Australia
Office of the Chief Scientist, Natural Resources Canada
Ohio State University
Oil Pipelines Company – Iraq
On Common Ground Consultants Inc
Open Development Cambodia
Open Lines Consulting
ORION Environmental
Oxfam America
Oxfam Canada
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford University 
Oyarzun y Garcia Abogados
OZ Minerals
Pacific Community
Pan African University – PAULESI, University of Ibadan
Papua New Guinea Institute of Biological Research
Parks Canada
Parts, Inc
Patching Associates Acoustical Engineering Australia Pty Ltd
Pavoc Solutions limited
Perkins Coie LLP
Pesca Environment
Peter Croal Consulting
Petroleum Training Institute
Pew Charitable Trusts
PGM Nigeria Limited
PHILCESS, University of the Philippines
Picton Group Pty
Pitt & Sherry
PJM Environmental Ltd
Planning Green Futures
PNG Forest Authority
Port of Vancouver
Praktijk de Koppel
Pro-Earth Consulting
Provita Consults Limited
Public Health By Design
Pusan National University
Queen’s University Belfast
Queensland Department of Environment and Science
Queensland Government Statistician’s Office
Queensland University of Technology
Queensland Urban Utilities
R S K Group Ltd
R.S. Ingenieria y Consultoria S.R.L.
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Ramboll Australia Pty Ltd
Ramboll CIS
Ramboll Environment and Health
Ramboll Hong Kong Limited
Rankin Engineering Consultants
Ratchaburi Electricity Generating Holding Public Company Limited
RaumUmwelt Planungs-GmbH
Raven Ltd.
Red Eléctra de Espana
Red Sun Land Consulting
Renete Consultants LTD
Renova Foundation
Research Center for Social Risk Assessment of Hohai University
Resource Capital Funds
Reykjavik Energy
RGS Environmental
Rijkswaterstaat – Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Mgmt
Rio Tinto
RMIT University
Roberschan Environmental
Royal HaskoningDHV
Royal Roads University
Royal University of Phnom Penh
RSK Environment
RWTH Aachen University
SafeGuard Environmental
Samernas Riksförbund
Sami Community-based IA Project SOPU
Sarah Dawson Consulting
Sawit Watch
Sazani Research and Development
Schoeman & Associates
School of Environmental Sciences, UEA, UK
School of Public Health, University of Alberta
Scientific Ideas Limited
Scottish Government
Semisjaur Njarg Sami Community
SENACE (National Environmental Certification Service for Sustainable Investments)
Senex Energy
Seoul National University
Servicio de Evaluación Ambiental
Sexton Consulting
Sfera Ambiental
SG of Environmental Assessment, Ministry for the Ecological Transition
Shanghai Academy of Environmental Science
Shared Resources Pty Ltd
Shark Bay Resources
Silpakorn University
Sirges Sami Reindeer Herding Community
SLK Collaborate
SLR Consulting
Social Clarity
Social Impact Strategies
Social License
Social Practice Forum
Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA)
Sociometry Pty Ltd
Soil Restored, LLC
Solstice Canada Corp
South African National Biodiversity Institute
South Australian Department for Energy and Mining
South Australian Museum
Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment
Southern Cross University GeoScience
Splend-Peak Solutions Consults Limited
SPREP Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
SRK Consulting
SRK Exploration Services Ltd.
State Department for Irrigation, Kenya
Stockholm University
Stornoway Diamonds Corporation
Strategic Environmental Planning Solutions
Subdirección General de Evaluación Ambiental. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico
Supras Limited
Suranaree University of Technology
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
Sustainable Links
Sustainable Minerals Institute – UQ, Australia
Sustainable Transport Africa
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Synergy Global Consulting Ltd
Taita Taveta University
TANAP (Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project)
Taylor & Francis
TDS Consulting
Team Labs & Consultants
Technische Universitaet Berlin
Technological University Dublin
Teck Australia
Tecnico – ULisboa
Tereone Design and Real Estate
Tetra Mais Consult.
Texas A&M University
Thames Valley Global
The Biodiversity Consultancy Ltd
The Cadmus Group
The Ciera Group
The Engagement People
Thom Consult
Timu – Community Development Associates
Tingori Consultancy
Titley Scientific
Toho University
Tokyo City University
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Total E&P PNG Limited
Total Edge Systems Pty Ltd
Town and Country Planning Department of Malaysia
Transparency International Australia
Transport Canada
Transportation Investment Corporation
Treweek Environmental Consultants
Trinity Lakes Consulting
True North Strategic Communication
Tsleil-Waututh Nation
TU Delft
Tuckerman Reef
Turin University
twentyfifty ltd
Uganda Chamber of Mines & Petroleum
Uganda Wildlife Authority
Umwelt Australia
UN Environment Programme
UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre
UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit
UNESCO IHE Institute
UNESCO World Heritage Centre
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
Universidad Autónoma Metroploitana, México
Universidad Catolica de Chile
Universidad Complutense Madrid
Universidad de Castilla la Mancha (UCLM)
Universidad de Valladolid
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Universidade Agostinho Neto-CB
Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo
Universita catholique de Louvain – Earth and Life Institute
Universite de Lorraine – LabEx RESSOURCES21
Université de Montréal
University College Dublin
University College London
University of Adelaide
University of Alberta
University of Aveiro
University of Bedfordshire
University of Bristol
University of British Columbia
University of Bucharest
University of Calgary Faculty of Law
University of Campinas
University of Colima
University of Copenhagen
University of Dar es Salaam
University of Eastern Finland
University of Edinburgh
University of FEI
University of Gothenburg
University of Graz
University of Groningen
University of Guelph
University of Guyana
University of Hong Kong
University of Johannesburg
University of Kent
University of Khartoum
University of Lisbon
University of Liverpool
University of Manitoba
University of Melbourne
University of Nairobi
University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Vienna
University of New South Wales
University of Newcastle
University of Otago 
University of Ottawa
University of Oxford
University of Papua New Guinea
University of Port Harcourt
University of Pretoria
University of Queensland
University of Saskatchewan
University of South Africa
University of Strathclyde
University of Tasmania
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
University of the Witwatersrand
University of Tokyo
University of Turku
University of Victoria
University of Waterloo
University of Winnipeg
University of Wyoming
University of York
University of Zurich
Unversity FEI
Uppsala University
US Department of the Treasury
USP (University of Sao Paulo)
Ustawi Focus, Ltd.
Ventus Development Services, Inc.
VGC Abogados
Virtual GIS Group
VisionEnvironment Consulting
Vita Projekt
Volta River Authority
VSO Consulting
Wabun Tribal Council
Wageningen University and Research
Wairimu & Co Advocates
Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation
Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU)
WAPCOS Ghana Limited
Wardell Armstrong International Ltd
Waterford Institute of Technology
Wave Action
West Coast Environmental Law
Western Sydney University
Western University
Whittard Consulting Ltd.
Wild Coast Consulting Pty Ltd
Wildlife Conservation Society
Wildlife Institute of India
Wilfrid Laurier University
Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.
Wood PLC
Woodside Energy Ltd
Woongal Environmental
World Bank
World Bank Inspection Panel
World Heritage Leadership / ICCROM
Worldwide Environmental Expert Services Limited
WSP Australia Pty Ltd
WSP South Africa
WSP Sweden
WWF Guianas
WWF Netherlands
WWF Paraguay
Xenops Environmental, LLC
Yooshin Engineering Corporation
Zanzibar Environmental Management Authority (ZEMA)
Zanzibar Petroleum Regulatory Authority