The field of psychology has traditionally been disconnected from the practice of Impact Assessment (IA). This disconnection has kept the field from understanding issues such as ongoing conflicts and with local communities, recurring communication difficulties of project information, and a prevalent lack of influence with internal stakeholders and decision makers.
This foundational course represents a formal attempt to demonstrate what a psychology-informed approach to IA is, why it matters, and how it can be applied in practice. A psychology-informed approach to IA is transversal to different types of IAs, methodologies, and management issues. Our course considers three key areas of IA practice where this approach can be applied:
By the end of the course, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of psychological concepts, theories, and methodologies, along with practical experience in applying them to various aspects of IA practice.
Although this course does not explicitly mention artificial intelligence (AI), it is grounded in contemporary IA methodologies that increasingly incorporate AI-based research, proofreading, and data analysis.
Level: Foundational
Prerequisites: It is recommended that participants have a general understanding of the IA practice and professional experience in this space.
Language: English
Duration: 2 days (29-30 April)
Min/Max: 10-30
Price: US $480
Sérgio Moreira, SPGrow360 Manager, Community Insights Group (Portugal)
Ana Maria Esteves, Founder and Director, Community Insights Group (Netherlands)
Sérgio Moreira
Sérgio Moreira is a psychologist with extensive experience in applying Social Psychology to improve Social Performance and Project-Community relations. He has worked in diverse development projects spanning the energy production, transportation, and extractive industries. Sergio co-developed CIG’s social performance competency development instrument SPGrow360, is an invited assistant professor at two business schools in Lisbon – Nova School of Business and Economics where he teaches Research Methods and Applied Data Analysis, and an invited scholar at the Católica School of Business and Economics where he teaches Organizational psychology and has a master seminar on trust on new major infrastructure projects.
Sérgio’s work is published in Frontiers in Psychology, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, and The Extractive Industries and Society. Sergio has a degree in Psychology from the Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa and a PhD in Social Psychology by the ISCTE Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Portuguese-born, he currently lives in a traditional neighborhood in Lisbon.
Ana Maria Esteves
Ana Maria is the founder of Community Insights Group (CIG). Her expertise lies in working out how energy, extractives and infrastructure projects can avoid harm and provide positive benefits to local communities, while respecting human rights.
Ana Maria is dedicated to supporting social performance professionals to elevate their standards of practice and enhance their influence within organisations. She works as a practitioner, executive coach, and educator, and led the development of a competency framework for social practitioners on behalf of the Social Practice Forum, and CIG’s competency development assessment tool, SPGrow360.
Ana Maria is a visiting Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Strathclyde. She established SIAhub and is co-author of the International Association for Impact Assessment’s Guidance (IAIA) for Social Impact Assessment. She is also a past President of the board of the IAIA (2016-17) and current member of the Board Nominations Committee.
Ana Maria is an INSEAD-certified Executive and Groups Coach and graduate of the Company Directors Course of the Australian Institute for Company Directors. She holds an MBA from Melbourne Business School and PhD from the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Mozambique-born, she is now based in Groningen, the Netherlands.